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The GPI Group

brings together several companies in different degrees, like the leading Company GPI SpA

established in 1988 has been the reference in Italy for thirty-one years for technologies and services dedicated to Health and Social service.
Thanks to an increasingly cutting-edge technological offer in the field of socio-health informatics and new hi-tech services for health, the Group can take care of the needs and come with innovative solution for its many customers.


Integrated Administrative Departments, Hospital, Social and Healthcare Information Systems (Assistance and Territory), for Veterinary and Food Security;

Healthcare Services (CC / CUP, Suit Case, Phebo (Telemedicine), Policura, P3D)
Logistics and Automation (Private Pharmacy Automation Systems, Automation Systems for Hospitals and Clinics)
Monetica (AMoney)
Professional ICT Services (Desktop Management / Systemic Services, Business Intelligence / Datawharehouse)

Devices for 3D printing custom-designed prostheses;
Complete solutions for Pharmacological logistics;
Telemedicine, Telecare and Ambient Assisted Living technologies and services;
Innovative solutions for CUP / Contact Center.
Other provided services: Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing Web tools.
GPI offers solutions related to:
Information Systems (SIA, SIO, SISTE, SISP, SICER, FST, WEB)

Integrated Administrative Departments
Devices for 3D printing custom-designed prostheses
Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing Web tools

``There is real progress only when the benefits of new technology become for everyone.`` HENRY FORD



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